Bin Min/Max

Concept of the Bin Min/Man inventory control method is identical to the previously discussed Warehouse Min/Max. The only difference that it is only applied to an individual bin that is dedicated to a single product.

This feature is best used to manage your warehouse has POS (point of sale) zone if applicable.

To find a list of bin requiring replenishment, navigate to Analytics > Inventory > Bin min/max.

Administrative users can use 'Restock' button to generate product move task in order to replenish the chosen bin.

Select a bin and click 'Restock' in the right right corner.

In the pop-up allocation window set the allocation option and choose a user to assigned current task.

Notice: User assignment is a mandatory step.

P4W system will automatically generate a product move task with reference and a detailed instructions for handheld user. Newly created task will appear both in users 'My tasks' list and in the 'Collaboration' folder.

Last updated