Truck Load Details
Following window will contain the details about current truck load, similar to pick ticket detail window.
Header section includes general information about current truck load, including: state, truck load number, customer, and warehouse. Specific users can be assigned to handle current order by using corresponding link.
Users can add information regarding truck load reference, shipper details, and special instructions.
Ship from/Ship to
Address section includes shipper (warehouse) and receiver (customer) addresses. Either fields can be edited from the following window if needed.
Carrier section includes information about chosen carrier, payment type, BOL number and other details.
If the shipping rules for the client are set in advance, then the system will automatically populate carrier SCAC code and charge term. Otherwise users can manually set these details by using corresponding links, dropdown menus, and check boxes as shown below.
'Trailer loaded' options are: by shipper and by driver.
'Freight counted' options are: by shipper, by driver pallets, by driver pieces.
Third Party Billing
This section is used with Collect and Third Party charge terms only. Following section includes fields for alternative billing address.
Shipping Cost
Load Info Details
This section contains 10 fields for custom details about current truck load. Information from this field will also be visible from the truck loads list and can be used for sorting purposes.
Last updated