
  1. Reset User On Change - whether to reset user assignment through the lifecycle of an order ( picking, staging, and shipping task of the same order can be assigned to three different people as order progress through steps).

  2. Auto Allocate On Release To Floor - whether an order should auto allocate upon being released to floor. Default allocation settings will be used.

  3. Auto Cartonize On Allocation - whether an order should be automatically cartonized on allocation using customer profile and default settings.

  4. Auto Wave On Allocation - whether an order should auto wave on allocation. Default waving settings will be used.

  5. Auto Wave On Production - whether an order should auto wave on production. Default waving settings will be used.

  6. Auto Ship On Last Pick - whether an order should be automatically shipped on last pick. If proof of shipment is required, this option will execute when Shipped qty is equal to Picked quantity.

  7. Suspend Shorted On Last Pick - whether an order should be automatically suspended on last pick if order was shorted from a handheld device.

  8. Auto Close On Ship - whether an order should auto close upon shipping. If proof of delivery is required, this option will execute when Delivery qty is equal to Shipped quantity.

Notice: Click 'Save' to implement changes.

Last updated